SEO Basics

January 11, 2007

What is SEO and what is all the hype around SEO anyway? Good question for an important part of internet marketing and your future in making money online. Ever wonder how the sites listed on the first page of Google, Yahoo and MSN get it right to be first? Could it be because they are first that these sites are big and have high rankings? Well they have an excellent SEO strategy that conforms to the terms of the search engines. Look at it this way, they are not first because they are big, they are big because they are first. Today, I will discuss a very important issue with you and it will affect your adsense earnings to a degree. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a strategy you can use for your website or blog to improve your adsense earnings. An article by SEO Expert Brad Callen gives basics and below I'm going to let you know what he advises and I agree

By Brad Callen -

"If you're anything like I was when I first began online, you've probably created a brand new website. Then submitted it to a few search engines and hoped that people would mysteriously show up at your site and buy whatever it is you were selling. After a couple of weeks go by and only a few stray people show up at your website, you decide to try and "optimize" your website around your main keyword in hopes that you just might rank well in 1 of the millions of search engines. Another couple of weeks go by and still no luck. At this point you probably give up and decide to either build another website around a different target market or just lose all hope and quit. Well, news flash, as you've probably figured out by now, this is not the way to go about doing things. Let me give you a specific example of what your very first steps MUST be when creating any website... no matter what the subject matter. In our example, let's create a weight loss related website. Before we start creating and collecting content for the website, we need to do a little keyword research. This is VERY important and should not be skipped. To do our keyword research we need to visit a few websites. The first of which should be

They have a very good keyword tool, and best of all it's free! Once we've downloaded this software, we can enter the most generic keyword for our website into the software. In our example, our keyword would be "weight loss".

If you were to optimize your website for this keyword, you'd be competing against over 66 million other websites(web pages)! I don't know about you, but that's an aweful lofty goal to start with. By the end of this course, you will be able to eventually target HUGE keywords such as "weight loss", but it's always best to start off on the keywords with less competition. Get some traffic with those keywords, and THEN you can focus on the larger keywords."

The article goes on to search a weight loss site. What Brad does is he takes the number one ranked website and spies on their keywords by going to the browser window, clicking on the view menu options and choosing source. He continues to give advice on what to look for when optimizing your website or blog. Following is a continuation of what he does after viewing the source for the website.

"As we view the source file from this website, we need to look for a few things. l Whether or not they are using header tags and are placing the keyword "weight loss story" within those tags. In this case, they are not... AND they aren't even using header tags at all! Another great thing for us! l Whether or not they are using their main keyword in the tags of the website. In this case, they are, which is one of the main reasons they're currently ranked highly for "weight loss stories". There title is "Weight Loss story stories" and the html code they used is: <title>Weight Loss story stories l Whether or not they've bolded, underlined, or italicized the words "weight loss story" anywhere in the body of the webpage. In this case, yes... they have. They've actually bolded the keyword "weight loss stories" 4 different times throughout the webpage. At first glance, it looks as though this is another one of the major reasons they've managed to grab the top spot for this keyword. Bolding is something we can do right away, so now we know that we should also bold some of the keywords throughout our copy. Notice I said they've bolded "weight loss stories" 4 times, rather than "weight loss story" (singular). You should always look for both the plural and singular form of the keyword, as the search engines view them as "almost" the same word. l Whether or not they are using <alt> image tags and placing the keyword "weight loss stories" within that tag. In this case, that answer is easy because they're not even using any images at all! This is definitely something we can do when optimizing our website. And another thing we can do to "one-up" this #1 ranked website. It is best to add images that are actually named after our main keyword. For example, we could insert an image and call it weight-loss-stories-graphic1.jpg and so on. l The final thing we want to note is whether or not they've placed the keyword once at the very beginning of the copy, and once at the very end of the copy. In this case they have placed it near the beginning and also at the end. Not to worry, we can do this as well. We should now know how to out optimize this #1 ranked website ...

Atleast for all the onpage optimization factors that Google deems as important. The reason we know we can out optimize them is because of the following things we've found out by analyzing their website: l The website is not using the keyword "weight loss stories" in an <h1> header tag. l The website did not use <alt> image tags containing the keyword "weight loss stories". l The website has a Page Rank of 5, which can be beaten. We can easily achieve a Page Rank of 5 or better. I'll show you the exact steps for this in the coming lessons. l The website is ranked with their subpage (weight_loss_success_story.htm). By optimizing our index page for this keyword, we can one up them. * Remember, the main idea behind ranking well on Google is to analyze the top ranked websites and then do those things that they're doing, BUT just a little better to one up them, which will lead to a better ranking. We'll continue to go through the same process for the other 2 keywords we've found. It is best to analyze the top 5 ranking websites for each keyword. If the top 5 websites for a specific keyword have a Google Page Rank of 6 or higher, it's probably not best to shoot for that keyword until we build some momentum and get some initial traffic from the easier ranking keywords with less competition. Earlier I mentioned that keyword research was very important in building traffic. Some other very good resources for building keywords and finding niche phrases include the following: l (This is being developed as we speak) l l (This is the same as but is web-based) l Ok, now that I've taught you these main principles, I want to make your life a heck of a lot easier... I've created a free software program that will do all of this for you, automatically! No need to know any html code OR use that software. All you have to do is enter a keyword and the software will do all of this for you... It's VERY simple and powerful".

This article is an introduction to onpage optimization. There is a topic of offline optimization using the SEO approach. This will be discussed in a later post. This is a post for basic introduction to onpage SEO basics.

Hope this post was of help to you.

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