About Me

Ngambo Chirawu - I've been working with Adsense since 2005 and have had many problems myself. It was a struggle and I only really started getting reall adsense returns in April of 2006 like a year later. I started with Adsense in early 2005. It took me long to sort through all the many literature I had printed from the web. Thankfully some of it was useful and ofcourse with trial and error I came to learn my own few tips and tricks about using Google Adsense to my advantage.

I'm an average person, nothing fancy I have a mortgage and a car and no kids yet but I pay school fees for my little sister and help out with my family here and there or when they ask! So I guess I'm your average everyday person. I have a bachelor's degree in IT so no, it's not a mistake that I ended up with adsense. I'm employed as a full time IT Data Analyst but who knows, maybe I'll go into full time Adsense income generation activities!! I admit, there is a lot more to learn but as I learn more and more, I will write about it so that those who have just started can start seeing some real returns in shorter lengths of time. I also have a couple of affiliate sites.

So what are my hobbies? I like to travel and cook, I'm a gamer so naturally I own a PSP, Nintendo Wii and an XBOX 360. I just have to make sure I'm not missing out on anything! I also design websites and suggest website redesign and content. One of my latest projects is www.ecardbistro.com The new owners wanted a new look so I didn't really have time to do a design from scratch but got them one and they are over the moon. Ofcourse, I had to do the programming and content population of the pages. I designed also the rice n recipes site and put content on it.I also designed www. lifuchi-travel-guide.com, which is my own site but I'm planning a redesign soon. Recently added to my portfolio of sites are Lifuchi Bug and Not Hair. I spend a lot of time reading business books and online materials for adsense, affiliate programs and many other income generation efforts. If you have a question to ask me, feel free to contact me.




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